
Mike Coleman

Mike Coleman

Supervision QualificationsVibrant Training Courses – Supervision training for Supervisors Course 1 and Supervision training for Supervisors advanced
Other QualificationsBachelor of Theology (University of Auckland),
Diploma in Theological Study (Carey Baptist College),
Certificate in Community Psychiatric Care (University of Otago), Clinical Pastoral Education (Institute for Clinical Pastoral Education Auckland),
Formation Programme in the Ministry of Spiritual Direction (Pamela Warnes Anglican Diocese of Christchurch)
Supervision Experience15 years
AffiliationsNew Zealand Association of Counsellors (NZAC)
Session optionsIn person and online (e.g. Zoom)
Supervision feesBy negotiation
Available for new supervisees?Yes
Specialist area(s) of interestMinistry – General
BioI have journeyed with people in ministry from the time of my graduation from Cary Baptist College in 1994. As a Baptist Minister I planted the Delta Fellowship and the Delta Community Support Trust at North Avon Baptist. As an Anglican Priest I worked in Aranui rebuilding the congregation at St Ambrose Anglican Church before being a consultant Ministry Enabler in the Diocese of Christchurch. I am a visionary leader who has planted five charitable trusts in the city including advocacy work in the Christchurch earthquakes. I am committed to finding ways forward for the church that are engaging and relevant. At present, I lead and am part of a house church called Koru Eucharist. I am a trained and registered Counsellor, Supervisor and Spiritual Director. Married to Robyn we have three adult children and two grandchildren.
Mobile(027) 3928278
Languages spokenEnglish