About the Certificate in Ministry Supervision (Micro-credential)
This course will provide specialised training for professionals involved in theologically informed ministry supervision for faith-based organisations in Aotearoa New Zealand. The course aims to equip supervisors with the skills, knowledge, and capabilities to provide effective and professional ministry supervision.
This course is catered specifically for senior leaders (including pastors and chaplains), who have some experience in supervision but no formal qualifications in supervision.
You will learn about the role of the supervisor, the distinctives of theologically informed ministry supervision versus supervision in other disciplines, the Reflective Learning Model of Supervision, safe and ethical practice, confidentiality, and other practical considerations of ministry supervision.
By completing this micro-credential, you will acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to provide professional ministry supervision for those who work in faith-based organisations, including but not limited to churches, faith-based schools, chaplaincy, and other related organisations and groups. You will be equipped with the relevant capabilities to make a positive impact through supporting ministry practitioners’ wellbeing, reflective learning, professional development, and safe and ethical practice.
Enrolling in the Certificate
The Certificate is being taught via a blend of self-directed study and an in person, 3-day block course. The course will next be offered on April 29th to 1st May 2025 (Auckland). Enrolments are not yet open, but you can register your interest via the link below.

Course Information
This micro-credential is a Level 5 course of 5 credits over 8 weeks. It is comprised of three parts:
Weeks 1-3: Self-directed pre-reading and activities related to supervision theory.
Week 4: A three day, in-person block course, with the opportunity to work on assessment 1 and 2.
Weeks 5-8: Self-directed study and reading weeks to work on assessment tasks 3 and 4.
Topics covered will include:
• The importance of ministry supervision.
• Ministry supervision defined.
• Ministry supervision qualities and skills.
• The Reflective Learning Model of Supervision.
• The role of the supervisor.
• Establishing, reviewing, and ending a supervisory relationship.
• Safe and ethical practice.
• Confidentiality.
• Supervision traps and challenges.
• Supervision practice exercises.
During the course you will be given four assessment tasks. These will be a combination of reflective writing, analysis of practice, peer observations, and critical essay work.
You will have full access to Carey’s library and student support resources.
Assessments are a compulsory part of the credential and due to the high practical component, there is a minimum of an 80% attendance requirement
Graduate Outcomes
The Certificate in Ministry Supervision will equip you to:
- Identify and describe the purpose and distinctive features of theologically informed ministry supervision within a faith-based context, in contrast to other forms of supervision.
- Describe the qualities, skills, and capabilities, that are required to support practitioner wellbeing, reflective learning, professional development, and safe and ethical practice within a faith-based organisation.
- Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the Reflective Learning Model of Supervision.
- Apply the Reflective Learning Model of Supervision in ministry supervision contexts
- Develop a ministry supervision agreement that aligns with identified, specified, professional ministry supervision standards and practices.
Please note that whilst this does qualify as a ‘recognised qualification’ for becoming a Baptist Union of New Zealand (BUNZ) Approved Supervisor, there is a separate process to become an approved supervisor under the BUNZ and qualification is one element of the requirements that the approval panel are assessing/reviewing.
Entry Requirements
- Admission to the Certificate in Ministry Supervision (Micro-credential) is open to New Zealand Citizens and Permanent Residents.
- Prospective students will typically be expected to have a minimum of 4 years combined ministry or related leadership experience (or equivalent). This ensures that participants have the necessary depth of practical experience to draw on as part of the course.
- As most tuition is given in English, all applicants need to be proficient in understanding, reading, writing, and speaking English.
Please note: RPL is not available as part of an application or entry to this micro-credential.
In order to gain admission, applicants under 20 must have achieved the following:
- National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA), with a minimum of 42 credits at Level 3 or higher on the National Qualifications Framework, and
- a minimum of 8 credits in English at Level 2 or higher, 4 credits of which must be in reading and 4 credits in writing
- a grade of C or higher in each of 3 subjects in New Zealand University Entrance, Business and Scholarships (NZUEBS) examinations
- NCEA equivalence which can include NZQA Level 4 certificates in a similar discipline, or other NZQA Level 5 certificates in a different discipline.
For special admission requirements (including English language) view the Academic Regulations and Calendar.
Documents Required for Application
You will need to supply/upload the following information as part of the online application process:
Verified (e.g., by JP, lawyer, or pastor) evidence of Citizenship/Residency (e.g., passport)
All verified documents MUST have the following from the verifier (e.g., JP, lawyer, or pastor):
- The phrase, “certified true copy” or similar (i.e., “This is a true and accurate copy of the original, which I have sighted”)
- Signature
- Written name
- Title
- Date
Personal statement of approximately 500 words which describes your life and spiritual history, including:
- How and when you came to faith in Christ
- How you maintain and develop your Christian life
- Significant experiences that have shaped you
- Where and in what roles you have gained your 4 years combined ministry or related leadership experience and how you see this experience as valuable in the provision of supervision
- Why you want to study at Carey
- If you are under 20 years of age, a verified copy of your academic transcript (e.g., NCEA) or equivalent
Students who have previously enroled with Carey Baptist College will not be required to complete a full application, but will need to provide a personal statement as outlined above.
How much does it cost?
The tuition fees for the Certificate in Ministry Supervision (Micro-credential) are only $300.
Further Study
The successfully completed micro-credential may be suitable for entry into further study. See our Certificate, Diploma, Degree or Graduate Diploma level qualifications.