Annual Review Process

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Annual Review of the Registration Development Agreement (RDA)

As a Baptist Registrant, you are required to undertake an annual review of your RDA with your reviewer – this is the person overseeing you in your role. It is recommended that this takes place in October each year as part of preparation for applying for Baptist Registration in November.

The review has three main purposes:

  1. Review your current RDA – how well did it go, what was achieved, not achieved etc.
  2. Plan the RDA for the upcoming year, ensuring that it assists your to fulfil the purpose of registration and to actively maintain:
          • holistic well-being.
          • personal, relational, and professional integrity and accountability;
          • ongoing growth and learning;
          • organisational safety; and,
          • ongoing connection with the wider Baptist movement
  3. Enable the church or organisation you are working for/with to have a greater understanding of your professional development needs and more involvement in the planning of these in the year ahead.

Before conducting or participating in an annual review it is essential to familiarise yourself with the requirements of the Registration Development Agreement for the specific role – as requirements will differ according to hours, role and category of registration being applied for. 

What is the goal of the Annual Review ?

    The goal of this review is to have a detailed and robust conversation about your previous RDA, reflecting with your reviewer on what has worked well, what has worked less well and what needs to happen going forward in each area of the RDA (External Supervision, Personal Growth and Learning  and Whānau Engagement).

    This is also an opportunity for both reviewer and registrant to share a greater understanding of professional development needs in the year ahead. With this conversation as the foundation, a plan for the year ahead can be constructed collaboratively that forms the basis of the new RDA.

    Are there guidelines in place?

    A tool for undertaking the review has been developed which is intended to provide a format to facilitate reflective conversations. Questions are shaped around the three facets of the RDA. The intention of the review is to have a reflective conversation, on what has worked, what has not worked so well and what could be done differently in all areas of the RDA. The tool to aid this conversation can be accessed here. Please be aware, that this is not a compulsory element of the review process. It’s simply developed as an aid to help the conversation. Whilst key areas need to be covered, there is flexibility on how this is recorded as this may be different according the requirements of the church/setting for the review.

    However, as referenced above, it is also essential to be familiar with the requirements of the Registration Development Agreement as this will differ according to role and category of registration being applied for.


    What happens after the review?

    The review is timed to coincide with Baptist Registration opening in November.  When applying for Baptist Registration in November, you will be required to confirm that the review has taken place by ticking a box on your application form and to confirm your detailed RDA to Carey Centre for Lifelong Learning. Whilst there is no further requirement to report, in more detail , on the review two aspects should be taken into consideration:

    1. Your RDA plan for the year ahead should reflect the richness of the plan and conversation that took place during the review. Activities selected (webinars, courses, reading etc) should clearly reflect the learning outcomes set with your reviewer. The outcome being, a more detailed and relevant plan for you as a registrant. You can see examples of learning outcomes and activities here. 

    2. Each year, a random selection of reviewers will be contacted by the Director of Carey Centre for Lifelong Learning for feedback on how the review went.

    What resources are available to help with the review?

    We have provided a number of resources to help with the Annual Review of the RDA:

    1. Annual Review of the Registration Development Guidelines.

    2. Annual Review Tool.

    3. Learning Outcomes and Activities – ideas and suggestions.

    4. A video example of conducting an Annual Review of the RDA.